Note that the time of this seminar has now changed to 11am! Radu Cimpeanu (The University of Warwick) is visiting the department on Tuesday 11 February and will be giving a talk in Carslaw 375 at 11am. We will go to lunch afterwards. Title: Interfacing with the real world: how to break mathematical models (and put them back together again) Abstract: ln this talk I will explore the interplay between classical - as well as modern - analytical techniques in applied mathematics and high performance computing. When not completely disjointed (or indeed one completely absent), these two approaches are often deployed with a verification-oriented mindset. By contrast, I will strive to convince you of the power of analytically-informed computational approaches (or indeed computationally-informed analytical methods) that draw elements from mathematical modelling, differential equations, asymptotic and complex analysis, and control theory. Interfaces will be the main theme of the talk not only as the intersection space between different methodologies, but also in view of the problems motivating this work, which include interfacial flow problems such as elucidating the dynamics of droplets, bubbles and liquid films in non-trivial (and highly non-linear!) regimes as the setup for hybrid technique development.