Dear Colleagues, at 2PM on Tuesday, February 4, we will have a talk by Prof. Max Nendel. Title: Chernoff approximation of infinitely divisible distributions and drift control problems with Levy dynamics Abstract: The first part of the talk is concerned with a sufficient condition for families of probability measures, indexed by positive real numbers, to give rise to a convolution semigroup via Chernoff approximation on the space of bounded continuous functions, equipped with the mixed topology. We provide explicit criteria for both the convergence of subsequences and the entire family. In the second part of the talk, we consider a stochastic version of the Hopf-Lax formula, where the Hopf-Lax operator is composed with the transition kernel of a Lévy process taking values in a real separable Banach space. We show that, depending on the order of the composition, one obtains upper and lower bounds for the value function of a stochastic optimal control problem associated to the drift controlled Levy dynamics. Dynamic consistency is restored by iterating the resulting operators. Moreover, the value function of the control problem is approximated both from above and below as the number of iterations tends to infinity, and we provide explicit convergence rates for the approximation procedure.