University of Sydney
School of Mathematics and Statistics
Mark Kisin
University of Sydney
Unit F-Crystals and a Conjecture of Katz.
Friday 15th October, 12-1pm, Carslaw 375.
Let X be a variety over a finite field k of
characteristic p. One can attach to X its "arithmetic
fundamental group" G(X).
Let l be a prime. If R: G(X) --->
GL(Zl) is a representation of
G(X), then one can attach to R two
power series with Zl coefficients: Its usual
L-function L(X,R), which carries information
about the arithmetic of R and X, and a
cohomological L-function L(k, f!R)
which has the advantage that it is a rational function.
For l different from p a theorem of Grothendieck
says that these two are equal. When l=p a conjecture of
Katz predicts that the quotient
L(X,R)/L(k,f!R) is an invertible analytic
function on the p-adic unit disk.
After explaining the L-functions mentioned above, I will
report on the recent proof of Katz's conjecture by M. Emerton and